2017. Year in review


Hello everybody! Hope you’re having great winter holidays with friends and loved ones. Or maybe, you are true geeks working on these days, like our team do. We believe, that right work balance can be as good as a ski resort. Like Lev Tolstoy said, “The best kind of rest is a change of activity”.

Everybody likes to create a retrospective of the last year and plan the next one. We also like to do this, because without measuring your metrics you don’t know what works or not: what takes you closer to goals, and what takes you to the opposite direction. “Build-Measure-Learn”. True Lean Startup Circle, like it should be. We use it not only in product development but in company management as well.

2017 was an incredible year for our team. We managed to get in several prestigious tops, were awarded as Rising Star 2017 and our Design team got the “Best UX” award. But let’s go step by step. We have what to say not only about awards and nominations but about work progress as well.

2017 work progress

2017 was the first year of life for molfar.io but this year, the toddler made a big leap so far. We successfully launched 15 new ventures with founders from all over the world (from Australia to the USA; from Indonesia to the United Kingdom). We have delivered more than 50 updates to App Store with hot new features for customers. And all these were baked (yes, again) in Lean Startup Circle. We are adepts of this approach and deeply believe that it's one of the best methodologies for managing startups. Based on this, we create a list of hypotheses for a project in a field that is crucial for a project now (usually, for different aspects of AARRR metrics to optimize every single one). This year we made more than 100 experiments to prove or discard each of the hypotheses. And it’s only documented number! Personally, I think that were more than 500. Sure, it was not a walk in the park. But it was so fu**ing interesting! And the moment of proof some hypothesis, after a sleepless night worth a hundred of dreams. But let’s go further. To the dreams that came true.

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“Great User Experience” and “Rising Star 2017” by FinancesOnline

"Great User Experience" award is usually given to products contributing tremendously to the quality of user experience. The product is evaluated based on how easy it is in terms of usability and how well-designed its interface and features are to facilitate the work process. We sent several our works to FinanceOnline expert team for estimation and in results got this award! Our Design team was so proud to gain such recognition.

"Rising Star" award is given to the new product in the market which not only is getting good traction with the customers but is viewed as really efficient despite its young age. The experts of the FinancesOnline were really impressed with our services and user satisfaction level, and awarded us as Rising Star 2017.

We have already written about these two awards in our earlier articles.

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Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Ukraine (#6)

At the end of the year, big portal topappdevelopmentcompanies.com included us in the list of best mobile development companies in Ukraine. topappdevelopmentcompanies.com is well known for their lists of development companies from all over the world and separated nominations for big US cities (like Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, etc).

We are proud to hit Top 10 mobile devs in Ukraine at #6 and join the squad with such mastodons as SoftServe (founded: 1993) and Exadel (founded: 1998). For our team is a big honor to be recognized on such level. Feel free to check the full list here.

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Top 10 App Analytics companies (#1)

MobileFirms is a Spain-based directory that focuses on the top mobile app marketing companies worldwide. It provides people with a mobile app by all the services they need, from mobile advertising to marketing or installs. MobileFirms includes only top app marketing companies to make an app successful worldwide in different marketplaces.

In November the review team contacted us to ask several questions about our business and estimated our services. It led us to hit the top in our country and top 10 overall. Later, my co-founder Ivan made a big interview for MobileFirms with details about our approach in testing customer demand, about expertise and some actual experience, and, certainly, gave some marketing insights. Enjoy the full interview here.

Looks like I’ve highlighted all key aspects that I wanted for this article. Sure, if to write a comprehensive molfar.io Year in Review it can be a book. Quite interesting book, for sure. But I’m not going to become a writer, at least this year.

At the end of this article, I want to say THANK YOU to all the team, who made this possible. Those sleepless nights and holidays in office worth the result that we got. Thank you, guys! Take your seats. Adventures 2018 are coming!
