awarded as the best dev company in Ukraine


Launching 2 years ago we were keeping in mind the idea of being useful for clients from business perspective. Software houses are still after sales, despite all such buzzwords like “high-quality”, “professional”, “experienced”, and other blah-blah. The more complex project - the more hours of work, more hours - more profit. This is how outsourcing business works. So, all service providers look like “give me your dirty money and we will develop everything you say”.  But what is the reason to do an app or website that doesn’t generate profit for the owner? What is the reason to do an app that a market doesn’t need? Just do a fancy staff and show: “Look, how cool our designers can draw”, “Look, we did a nice feature”? We are not against cool features and design, these points just should be. They are necessary, but not enough. is after Lean methodology. We are not proposing to create everything for all platforms at one time, like dev houses do. Firstly, we would suggest you test your idea. It can be fake landing pages with analytics, simple MVPs, or even video presentations. If you figure out after that there is a demand on the market, then we can work further. This means that we neutralized the 42% of risks and found out that there is a demand on the market (found Product/Market Fit). We can go further and reduce other 17% of risks now. Does this sound interesting? So, when dev shops say: “Yes, let’s do everything you want”, we say: “Don’t do this, test it first. Let’s save your money and our time”.

When your work gets recognized and awarded, you always feel fantastic and that is what happened recently. Our company got awarded as one of the most trusted and best mobile app development companies in Ukraine by famous It is an international platform for the best companies across the globe. This platform is trustworthy not because they awarded us but because of their deep research methodology to find out the best companies from all over the world. We are so glad and excited to get exposed in front of millions of people through their website. It’s a big honor to be in the top 2 years in a row. Also, it's a big responsibility to keep our place in this top for the next year. is an online platform that promotes top app development service providers around the world to help people who are looking for best app developers in their nearby area or in any country around the world. Purpose of this website is for buyers to find right and good companies for their app development projects. Also for buyers, it will be easier to compare costs and timeframe amongst companies and choose the right Suitable App Development Company. This website will help buyers to develop their apps at quite competitive price.

We are so glad to be honored by top leading platforms in our industry. We will keep doing that we love the most: bringing new companies to live and making them successful, hope you will enjoy the ride with us ✌️